منتدى القمر
::سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه 271998::
عزيزى الزائر المنتدى بحاجه الى اعضاء نشيطين
لذا ندعوك للتسجيل والتفاعل معنا فى المنتدى
وستجد كل ما تريده ان شاء الله
فقط سجل وفعل اشتراكك من الإيميل الذى ستضعه
أما إذا كنت مسجل مسبقا يمكنك
الدخول بعضويتك

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى القمر
::سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه 271998::
عزيزى الزائر المنتدى بحاجه الى اعضاء نشيطين
لذا ندعوك للتسجيل والتفاعل معنا فى المنتدى
وستجد كل ما تريده ان شاء الله
فقط سجل وفعل اشتراكك من الإيميل الذى ستضعه
أما إذا كنت مسجل مسبقا يمكنك
الدخول بعضويتك
منتدى القمر
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مجانا حصريا تعليم الفوتوشوب فى 45دقيقه مجانا حصريا تعليم الفوتوشوب فى 45دقيقه

اذهب الى الأسفل
mostafa helmy
mostafa helmy
المدير العام
المدير العام
عدد الرسائل : 826
العمر : 32
الجنس : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه Male10
الدوله : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه Egypt11
العمل : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه Collec10
المزاج : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه Loves10
الهوايه : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه Chess10
عدد النقاط : 18400
السٌّمعَة : 21
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/05/2009
الأوسمة : سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه 1311

::حصرى:: سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه

الثلاثاء أغسطس 17, 2010 2:32 pm
سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه 368310 سورة يس - Ya-Seen -باللغه الانجليزيه 785790

سُوۡرَةُ یسٓ Ya-Seen

In the name
of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Ya Sin. (1) By the wise Qur'an, (2) Lo! thou art of those sent
On a
straight path, (4)
revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful, (5)
That thou mayst warn a folk
whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless. (6)
Already hath the word
proved true of most of them, for they believe not. (7)
Lo! We have put on their
necks carcans reaching unto the chins, so that they are made
stiff-necked. (8)
We have set a bar before them and a bar behind them, and (thus) have
covered them so that they see not. (9)
Whether thou warn them or
thou warn them not, it is alike for them, for they believe not. (10)
Thou warnest only him who
followeth the Reminder and feareth the Beneficent in secret. To him bear
tidings of forgiveness and a rich reward. (11)
Lo! We it is Who bring the
dead to life. We record that which they send before (them), and their
footprints. And all things We have kept in a clear Register. (12)
Coin for them a
similitude: The people of the city when those sent (from Allah) came
unto them; (13)
When We sent unto them twain, and they denied them both, so
We reinforced them with a third, and they said: Lo! we have been sent
unto you. (14)
They said: Ye are but mortals like unto us. The Beneficent
hath naught revealed. Ye do but lie! (15)
They answered: Our Lord
knoweth that we are indeed sent unto you, (16)
And our duty is but plain
conveyance (of the message). (17)
(The people of the city) said: We augur
ill of you. If ye desist not, we shall surely stone you, and grievous
torture will befall you at our hands. (18)
They said: Your evil
augury be with you! Is it because ye are reminded (of the truth)? Nay,
but ye are froward folk! (19)
And there came from the uttermost part of
the city a man running. He cried: O my people! Follow those who have
been sent! (20)
Follow those who ask of you no fee, and who are rightly
guided. (21)
For what cause should I not serve Him Who hath created me,
and unto Whom ye will be brought back? (22)
Shall I take (other) gods
in place of Him when, if the Beneficent should wish me any harm, their
intercession will avail me naught, nor can they save? (23)
Then truly I should be in
error manifest. (24)
Lo! I have believed in your Lord, so hear me! (25) It was said (unto him):
Enter paradise. He said: Would that my people knew (26)
With what (munificence) my
Lord hath pardoned me and made me of the honoured ones! (27)
We sent not down against
his people after him a host from heaven, nor do We ever send. (28)
It was but one Shout, and
lo! they were extinct. (29)
Ah, the anguish for the bondmen! Never
came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him! (30)
Have they not seen how
many generations We destroyed before them, which indeed returned not
unto them; (31)
But all, without exception, will be brought before Us. (32)
A token
unto them is the dead earth. We revive it, and We bring forth from it
grain so that they eat thereof; (33)
And We have placed therein
gardens of the date-palm and grapes, and We have caused springs of
water to gush forth therein, (34)
That they may eat of the fruit thereof,
and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks? (35)
Glory be to Him Who
created all the ياااهual pairs, of that which the earth groweth, and of
themselves, and of that which they know not! (36)
A token unto them is
night. We strip it of the day, and lo! they are in darkness. (37)
And the sun runneth on
unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the
Wise. (38)
for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old
shrivelled palm-leaf. (39)
It is not for the sun to overtake the
moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit.
a token unto them is that We bear their offspring in the laden ship,
have created for them of the like thereof whereon they ride. (42)
And if We will, We drown
them, and there is no help for them, neither can they be saved; (43)
Unless by mercy from Us
and as comfort for a while. (44)
When it is said unto them: Beware of that
which is before you and that which is behind you, that haply ye may find
mercy (they are heedless). (45)
Never came a token of the tokens of their
Lord to them, but they did turn away from it! (46)
And when it is said unto
them: Spend of that wherewith Allah hath provided you, those who
disbelieve say unto those who believe: Shall we feed those whom Allah,
if He willed, would feed? Ye are in naught else than error manifest.
they say: When will this promise be fulfilled, if ye are truthful? (48)
They await
but one Shout, which will surprise them while they are disputing. (49)
Then they cannot make
bequest, nor can they return to their own folk. (50)
And the trumpet is blown
and lo! from the graves they hie unto their Lord, (51)
Crying: Woe upon us! Who
hath raised us from our place of sleep? This is that which the
Beneficent did promise, and the messengers spoke truth. (52)
It is but one Shout, and
behold them brought together before Us! (53)
This day no soul is
wronged in aught; nor are ye requited aught save what ye used to do.
those who merit paradise this day are happily employed, (55)
They and their wives, in
pleasant shade, on thrones reclining; (56)
Theirs the fruit (of their
good deeds) and theirs (all) that they ask; (57)
The word from a Merciful
Lord (for them) is: Peace! (58)
But avaunt ye, O ye guilty, this day! (59)
Did I not
charge you, O ye sons of Adam, that ye worship not the devil - Lo! he is
your open foe! - (60)
But that ye worship Me? That was the right path. (61) Yet he hath led astray of
you a great multitude. Had ye then no sense? (62)
This is hell which ye were
promised (if ye followed him). (63)
Burn therein this day for
that ye disbelieved. (64)
This day We seal up their mouths, and their hands speak out
to Us and their feet bear witness as to what they used to earn. (65)
And had We willed, We
verily could have quenched their eyesight so that they should struggle
for the way. Then how could they have seen? (66)
And had We willed, We
verily could have fixed them in their place, making them powerless to go
forward or turn back. (67)
He whom we bring unto old age, We reverse
him in creation (making him go back to weakness after strength). Have ye
then no sense? (68)
And We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor is it
meet for him. This is naught else than a Reminder and a Lecture making
plain, (69)
warn whosoever liveth, and that the word may be fulfilled against the
disbelievers. (70)
Have they not seen how We have created for them of Our
handiwork the cattle, so that they are their owners, (71)
And have subdued them unto
them, so that some of them they have for riding, some for food? (72)
Benefits and (divers)
drinks have they from them. Will they not then give thanks? (73)
And they have taken
(other) gods beside Allah, in order that they may be helped. (74)
It is not in their power
to help them; but they (the worshippers) are unto them a host in arms.
let not their speech grieve thee (O Muhammad). Lo! We know what they
conceal and what proclaim. (76)
Hath not man seen that We have created him
from a drop of seed? Yet lo! he is an open opponent. (77)
And he hath coined for Us a
similitude, and hath forgotten the fact of his creation, saying: Who
will revive these bones when they have rotted away? (78)
Say: He will revive them
Who produced them at the first, for He is Knower of every creation, (79)
Who hath
appointed for you fire from the green tree, and behold! ye kindle from
it. (80)
not He Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of
them? Aye, that He is! for He is the All-Wise Creator, (81)
But His command, when He
intendeth a thing, is only that he saith unto it: Be! and it is. (82)
Therefor glory be to Him
in Whose hand is the dominion over all things! Unto Him ye will be
brought back. (83)
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